Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Thirsty Tuesday

Water. It makes up some crazy percentage of our body, a larger percentage of the world, and is just so necessary.

As I rapidly approach 30, it is becoming more and more obvious that things that used to be okay just aren't anymore. I have just recently discovered how important water is to humans. People have told me my entire life to drink water but I usually ignored them.  Over the last year or so, I have significantly increased my water intake by choice.  Within the last few weeks, however, I have HAD to drink more and more water. I have been so incredibly thirsty. Today at work, I was so thirsty that I actually had to leave work to go buy some water. I have a pretty sizeable tumbler that I drink out of all day and I felt like I was becoming more thirsty as I drank more water. Within an hour of initally "discovering" the unquenchable thirst, I had the worst headache I have ever had. I don't like to take pain relievers etc because I'm paranoid about them losing their effectiveness as I get older. (Geriatrics need their BC powder) So I sprinted to the convenience store (in my car) and bought 48 ounces of water. Then. . .I drank it all within the hour.

Moral of the story?

I guess, drink W A T E R kids


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