When I'm really bored or avoiding "real work" I like to peruse WebMD. Google is cool, YouTube is fandamntastic but WebMD is where all the cool kids go for a good time. Since I primarily use the site to procrastinate, and not for its' founders intentions, today I decided to see if they had any information on procrastination. Like most things I do, this started out as a joke. As I browsed through articles, however, I'm certain procrastination is a disease and I have all of the symptoms.
Apparently, procrastination is a symptom for a huge number of "real" (in my opinion) conditions including fatigue, fibromyalgia, and ADHD. Personally, I am a huge procrastinator. I am a firm believer that you should absolutely put off today what you can do tomorrow. That may seem backwards to some but I've accomplished a lot considering the lifestyle I've chosen. I have a temporary career (I've been procrastinating finding a new one), a master's degree, a house, a car, a puppy; I am the American Dream. . . the somewhat delayed but always on time American Dream.
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