Sunday, March 31, 2013

In good company

If you're really, really good at math, you've figured out that I was born in 1983. W E L L, guess who else was born in 1983!!!!

No really, G U E S S.

Okay guys, great guesses.

Compare your fabulous guesses to these movies, albums, and celebrities also celebrating 30 years of joy in 2013!



(Madonna twice)


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Where Shopping is A Pleasure

How do you know if you spend too much time at the grocery store? I've received a few signs that I may love my neighborhood Publix a little more than a typical patron. . . if that's even possible. So here is a short list of signs to look out for (all of these really happened to me) that you may be in the same boat: 

1. You see one of the many stockers, know his name, and notice that he got a fresh haircut.

2. The same stocker sees you the next day and notices that you too, got your hair cut (in the 24 hours since you were last at Publix.)

3. The meat manager asks you how the roast you bought yesterday turned out.

4. The cashier knows where YOU work.

5. A different cashier knows that you're on vacation and asks if you're sad that it's almost over.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Adult Living

I spent hours making soup today.

Of course when I say hours, I mean two. (Two is more than one which allows me to use plurals, even though it makes it seem like I spent my whole evening make soup. Right?) ANYWHO, I spent hours making soup. I make my own chicken broth and if you're not a cook/chef, I bet this impresses you. I sliced pounds of carrots, onions, and celery. . . in the food processor. I did ALL OF THIS and all I want to eat for dinner is a plum. I'm sitting next to the fruit bowl in my kitchen as I type this and the plum smell    so    G O O D. And because I am an adult, sort of, I'll probably end up eating the nectarine and having soup for breakfast.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


There are all of these misconceptions about things that adults should and should not do. Well guess what folks!! I am knocking these silly idealistic visions of adulthood out of the ballpark.

My one example, society thinks adults should check their mail (snail mail, email, voicemail). I don't do ANY of that. I don't have any plans to do ANY of that. Honestly, the older I get - the less I am motivated to do ANY of that. I'd rather read my book(s) :).

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Procrastination is a disease

When I'm really bored or avoiding "real work" I like to peruse WebMD. Google is cool, YouTube is fandamntastic but WebMD is where all the cool kids go for a good time.  Since I primarily use the site to procrastinate, and not for its' founders intentions, today I decided to see if they had any information on procrastination. Like most things I do, this started out as a joke. As I browsed through articles, however, I'm certain procrastination is a disease and I have all of the symptoms.

Apparently, procrastination is a symptom for a huge number of "real" (in my opinion) conditions including fatigue, fibromyalgia, and ADHD. Personally, I am a huge procrastinator. I am a firm believer that you should absolutely put off today what you can do tomorrow. That may seem backwards to some but I've accomplished a lot considering the lifestyle I've chosen. I have a temporary career (I've been procrastinating finding a new one), a master's degree, a house, a car, a puppy; I am the American Dream. . . the somewhat delayed but always on time American Dream.