My dog's erratic behavior is pure karma. About 5 years ago I had a boyfriend that I really didn't like that much. I didn't really know at the time that I didn't like him so this doesn't really count as leading him on. One day we were talking about our future life together and he mentioned that he didn't want pets in the house. So naturally, I went out the next day and bought a dog. A BIG DOG! I love, love, love my dog but sometimes he does things that remind me of two things.
1. I am NOT ready to have children
2. Buying a pet out of spite is not the best idea
About 5 minutes ago, I realized that I hadn't seen my dog in quite sometime. I had just finished cooking dinner and when I cook dinner, he can usually be found sitting on the kitchen mat waiting for something to fall on the floor. He was absent from this usual spot so I set out on a search to find him. I checked the back yard first. Absent! Then each of the bedrooms. Absent! Then I noticed that the hallway bathroom door was slightly cracked. So I peeked through the door and found him EATING COOKIES! I don't even like cookies!!!
I called up my boyfriend (not the boyfriend I disliked but a brand new, dog loving boyfriend) complaining that the neighbors must be conspiring against his incessant barking by throwing chocolate poison cookies over the fence!! After listening to me ramble for over a minute, he confessed that he had thrown away some cookies in the office trash can earlier in the day. Somehow, underneath all of the other trash in the can, beyond all of the other trash cans (5) in the house, he had found these cookies. Everyone wants their dog (or child) to be so smart. Me? I wish my dog was dumb.